Saturday, February 20, 2010

White Lime Green Pinstripe Suit

Closet Child

two weeks ago, I once again started a spontaneous purchase -.- how I hate that.
Well I first had once ordered from Closet Child. And without using a shipping service.
The online help in the Closet Child was pretty easy.
I'm just the instructions followed, there was indeed a field that I could not decipher because in my only louder squares appeared. According to CS manual, it was the "Country" field. To explain that I have just mentioned in comments that I have not found the right sign for Germany;)
If everything went well went smoothly..
A day later came the Paypal Invoice and pay as I could. It was a very low value is entered automatically. According to Paypal Invoice was worth the equivalent of € 296. However, a Weet of only ~ 3000 yen on the invoice of the package indicated, since it was bought second hand yes.
6 days later trickled in around noon and then my package.
I was only concerned that the OP would not fit me, because, in contrast to the other I got so far but is quite short (70cm only). But when I then tightened it fit, thanks Schnü ; introduced, but like a glove.

The first thing I unpacked was the case



The second item was the matching Headbow;)

it was packed very well say mus be

and ultimately without any ^. ^


The 3rd Item I had to buy nachtürlich is the right OP!


It was a little crumpled together, but still packed very well.
And here again it all together:


Complete 2

The Closet Child Matters for second hand goods in excellent condition. The contact is super friendly and helpful and the shipping is just super fast.
obvious from the things out of the bag, not that it's used goods.
The case has received from wearing a few wrinkles, but no further . Notice
I really am more than satisfied!


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